I would like to share these fun and inspiring workshops with you. If interested, email me.
3 Approaches to Dance Feedback
The workshop focuses on three methods of Artist Feedback. We will review the three methods – Fieldwork, Liz Lerman Critical Response and The Impersonation Game, and then watch a dance (work-in-progress of an artist). Then, we give feedback to the artist in all three styles. It was an exciting and enlightening process.
For the last four years, I have directed The Field/DC and facilitated artist feedbackworkshops. Beyond The Field, I have a track record of facilitating and organizing workshops in Exploring Improvisation and Contemplative Dance Practice within the DC metro community. I have also met with the other National Field Network Directors for 5 years and have gathered a lot of helpful information. I am working on expanding the reach of The Field/DC and thinking broadly about different forms of feedback.
Contemplative Dance Practice Plus
This workshop is an introduction to the contemplative dance practice that moves us into a group improvisational structure. Contemplative Dance Practice is a combination of sitting meditation, personal warm up and group improvisation developed by Barbara Dilley. In this workshop, we will empty our minds of life obligations and transition into being fully present together. Experience both an internal/personal focus and an external awareness of others. This practice is open to anyone interested in expanding your meditation practice to movement or being more present in your dancing. All levels are welcome. Each dancer will receive a PDF of articles and writing about contemplative dance as a reference.
Previous classes:
Fieldwork for Mixed Disciplines: Summer “Express” Session
Tuesdays, 8-9:30 July 10 – August 7
Dance Place
One Day Only:
Less Tension, More Love: A couple’s massage Workshop
Thurs, Feb. 23 6-9pm
Dance Exchange
Starting March 5th:
Spring Rep Class working with the Collapsing Silence material
8-9:30pm, Mondays, March 5 – May 14. The showing is May 16.
Dance Place
Register here
Moving Meditation
Sundays, 11-noon (ongoing)
Joy of Motion ATLAS
$12 for seniors, students and professionals, $17 drop in
One Day Only:
Advanced Modern Dance Class
9:30-11:45am, Friday, May 11
Dance Exchange